The popular belief that an annual fund is simply a means for a ministry to conduct business on a day-to-day basis is really a limited view in importance to both donor and ministry. While the annual fund is indeed a life supply to operational needs, it is a much more complex measuring tool for Cross Connections.
The annual fund is primarily a systematic testing of relevance and validity for Cross Connection’s case for support. Our annual fund (the Isaiah 9:6 fund) stands as a measuring barometer that our vision for bringing Biblical counseling to the Ft. Wayne area is shared with donor and organization alike. Maintaining that vision and partnering with our donors to bring it to fruition keeps effective counseling at the forefront and sharpens our focus on the objective of bringing Christ into the trials of the many who are seeking to bring Him into the present storm of their lives.
Maintaining our annual fund also brings validation to our ongoing programs and the special needs of this very specific ministry. The annual fund helps us identify, inform, and involve multiple levels of donor involvement tailored to the different avenues where counseling is needed. From funds supporting first line responders and addictions to educating our therapists, the annual fund serves to strengthen the bond between donors and Cross Connections.
Recurring Gifts
Recurring giving is simply giving to the ministry in an ongoing basis instead of a one-time gift. Those who decide to give to Cross Connections in this fashion allow the ministry to engage with our most passionate supporters and keep them updated on how our shared mission is being carried out. This avenue of giving offers donors the power to support Cross Connections in a way that makes the most sense for them from a planning perspective and keeps them aligned with the goals and objectives of the ministry. Gifts of any amount can be recurring and signifies a standing belief in a mutual cause.
Our annual fund makes up about 50% of our annual operating budget. You can donate to our annual fund on the main page of our website by clicking the Donate button. For more information on the annual fund and ways to support it, you can email our Director, Kirk Reber, at