Help us to bring the light of Christ into the lives of the clients He leads to our care!
Please join us on Saturday, September 18 from 6:00 to 9:00 p.m. at Country Heritage Winery to support the Biblical counseling ministry of Cross Connections! Live music from the West Central Jazz Quartet, heavy hors d’oeuvres, and enjoy samples from six of the dazzling wines that make Country Heritage so popular!
Tickets for the evening are $100 per person and can be purchased here. The event is limited to 150 participants, so you won’t want to wait to make your purchase. There are also sponsorship opportunities for businesses and organizations who are interested. PLEASE BE ADVISED THAT EVENT DETAILS MAY BE CHANGED QUICKLY DUE TO THE COVID-19 PANDEMIC. We will notify all ticket holders and sponsors immediately should any changes take place.
Please call Jim Dohrmann, at 260-373-0213, ext. 105 or email